Last updated: Dec 19, 2022

Spelling and Choice Of Words Mistakes

If any mistake is made in regards to spelling, choice of word(s), or there is a lack or a presence of an affirmation, that results in an altered meaning of the content in these Terms of Service (in comparison to its intended meaning) and such altered meaning adversely affects Us, then any such mistake shall be remedied in Our favor in any dispute or legal proceeding without counting as a breach of these Terms of Service on Our part.


For the purposes of these Terms of Service the words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings as defined below and shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural form. If the word is capitalized but is not defined below, then its meaning should be understood in the context in which it is used.

  • Terms of Service (also referred as "Terms") mean these terms of service (including any other policies or documents expressly referred to herein).
  • Service refers to the website that is accessible at or any of its sub-domains, its mobile app, and any supporting infrastructure that helps it to function.
  • Company (referred to as either "ROOMMATES LLC", "We", "Us" or "Our") refers to ROOMMATES LLC 1108 E Main St # 2402 Ste 906, Richmond, VA 23219, United States.
  • You (also referred as "User" or "Your", or as applicable in context) means any individual or party accessing the Service or any individual or party performing any interaction with any other party in regards to the Service.
  • Account means an account created by You on the Service.
  • User Content refers to content such as text, images, videos, or any other content that can be posted, uploaded, transmitted or otherwise made available by You through the Service.
  • Our Content refers to content such as text, images, videos, or any other content that is owned by Us and is made available to You through the Service.
  • Sensitive Personal Information Information that may lead to identity theft, credit fraud, or cause any other related harm.


Please read these Terms carefully. These Terms include an agreement to arbitrate via a binding individual arbitration, which means You waive any rights to a class action lawsuit, class arbitration, and consolidated or representative actions.

These are the Terms governing Your access of the Service and constitute an entire and binding legal agreement between You and Us as well as supersede any other (oral or written) agreement, between You and Us. These Terms set out the rights and obligations of all Users regarding their access of the Service. Your access of the Service is conditioned upon Your acceptance and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, Users and others who access the Service. By accessing the Service You agree to be bound by these Terms. You may not transfer, assign, or pass-on, in whole or in part, in any way or form, any of Your rights, responsibilities, or obligations outlined in these Terms to any other party. In case the Company is sold or its ownership is transferred to another party these Terms will remain in full effect. If You disagree with any part of these Terms then You may not access the Service.

Your access of the Service is also conditioned upon Your acceptance of and compliance with Our privacy policy. Our privacy policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use, and disclosure of Your personal information when You access the Service.

Neither these Terms nor Your access of the Service creates any kind of partnership, joint venture, endorsement, or employment or franchisee agreement between You and Us.

Changes to These Terms Of Service

We reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time with immediate effect and without any advance notice to You. At certain times, We may attempt to notify You of certain changes by means of Our choice, but it always remains Your sole responsibility to review these Terms prior to accessing the Service. You are required to keep all Your contact and Account information on the Service up to date. The "Last updated" date posted at or near the top or bottom of this page will indicate the last time the Terms were updated.

If You do not agree with the updated Terms in whole or in part after they have been posted, You must stop accessing the Service immediately. By continuing to access Our Service You agree to be bound by these Terms.

Modifications to the Service

We reserve the right to modify, update pricing of, discontinue, suspend, or terminate the Service or any of its features or services without any advance notice or liability to You. We also reserve the right to charge Users for use of any feature or service available through the Service at any time.

Prohibited Activities

By accessing Our Service You agree not to engage in any of the following activities some of which may have already been mentioned elsewhere in these Terms.

  • Submit User Content that is inappropriate, harmful, harassing, obscene, pornographic, profane, racist, defamatory, rude, abusive, threatening, fake, misleading, inaccurate, illegal, offensive or otherwise may be deemed as related to any of the aforementioned terms.
  • Submit User Content that violates any relevant law, rule, or regulation in regards to renting out or seeking to rent an accommodation.
  • Engage in any activity that may be interpreted as tampering with or hacking the Service.
  • Engage in any activity that is or may be deemed as illegal, abusive, or harmful to the Service, its Users, or Us.
  • Engage in any activity that may be interpreted as content scraping or data mining.
  • Attempt to post any Sensitive Personal Information about Yourself or any other party anywhere on the Service.
  • Attempt to circumvent, undermine, or tailor to Your own needs (with a lack of good will or with malicious intent) any functionality of the Service.
  • Attempt to impersonate any User of the Service or misrepresent Yourself to anyone on or in connection with the Service.
  • Attempt to create multiple Accounts on the Service.
  • Attempt to use any of Our Content, anybody else's content, or any other content not belonging to You for commercial purposes, personal gain, or any other means for which You have not been given explicit permission or granted appropriate rights.
  • Access the Service via a VPN, a Tor Browser, or any other identity-masking method.
  • Violate any law, rule, or regulation in regards to Your interaction with the Service, its Users, Us, or any other related parties.

We shall have the full right to prosecute You and may disclose any information about You to proper law enforcement authorities and agencies if You are found or suspected to engage in any of the above activities or any other prohibited activities mentioned throughout these Terms. As a result of any such violations Your Account will almost certainly be suspended or terminated.

User Content Posted To The Service

You are fully liable for all information You provide, post, transmit, or exchange via the Service, with Us, or others, as well any damages or legal claims that may arise out such actions or their consequences. We reserve the right to take down or edit any User Content for any violation of these Terms or for any other reason at our sole discretion and without any liability or compensation to You.

We do not claim any ownership rights to User Content, but by making it available via the Service You grant Us a worldwide, nonexclusive, irrevocable, sublicensable, transferable, royalty free, commission-free license to publicly display, edit, reproduce, prepare derivative works of, store, transform, publicly perform, share, or otherwise transmit it via any medium and means for the purposes of advertising or promoting the Service.

You further represent and warrant that: (i) You are a lawful owner or that You have lawfully obtained all necessary rights, licenses, consents, permissions, and releases relating to User Content. (ii) User Content does not violate and infringe upon any other party's copyrights, intellectual property rights, or any other rights worldwide.

Our Content On The Service

Your use of Our Content is limited to Your own personal, non-commercial use. No copyrights, intellectual property rights, or any other rights, licenses, or permissions are granted to You unless expressly stated in these Terms.

Age Restriction

By accessing the Service You represent and warrant that You are at least 18 years of age. Access of the Service by children under 18 years of age is strictly prohibited.

Opening an Account

In order to access some parts of the Service You will need to create an Account via means of registration. You are allowed to create only one Account on the Service. You agree to provide and maintain complete, accurate, and up-to-date information in regards to Your Account. Failure to provide complete and accurate information may result in suspension or termination of Your Account. Some of the information that We collect about You will be made public on or through the Service. Some of the information that You provide, such as, but not limited to Your phone number and email address may require verification by Us via automated or manual means before You may access some parts of the Service. Any charges that You incur for receiving SMS messages or any other data on any of Your devices as related to Your access of the Service or interaction with Us are at Your own expense. We reserve the right to verify the identity of anyone accessing Our Service by at least the means of verifying one ore more forms of government issued photo identification.

It is Your responsibility to keep Your login information or login methods safe, secure, and uncompromised and You may not share this information with anyone. If You suspect that Your login credentials or login methods may have been compromised, You must notify Us immediately via with the email Subject line reading "ALERT Login Compromised". You must also attempt to change your login information or login methods in order to restrict anyone from accessing Your Account in the meantime. You are fully liable for all activities or actions undertaken under Your Account at all times regardless if You were aware or not of any such activities or actions taking place. You may not transfer Your Account to anyone or let anyone else use Your account to access the Service. Only You are authorized to access the Service through Your Account at all times.

Posting of Ads on the Service

The Service allows You to post Ads in regards to renting out or seeking to rent an accommodation. When posting any such Ads on the Service You agree to have reviewed and complied with all relevant local, regional, and national laws, rules, and regulations. It is important that You do this because You may be legally required to obtain any necessary licenses, permits, or registrations in regards to renting out or seeking to rent an accommodation as well as be limited in regards how You may be able to legally discriminate against whom You chose as Your potential flatmates. We advise You to contact the appropriate local, regional, or national authorities, regulatory, or governing bodies in regards to obtaining such latest compliance information. The Service is not tailored to help You stay in compliance with or avoid any pitfalls in regards to being compliant with any such laws, rules, or regulations, and thus We carry no liability for Your neglect or non-compliance with the aforementioned laws, rules, and regulations. We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to request from You a proof of Your compliance with the aforementioned laws, rules, and regulations. We also reserve the right, but have no obligation, to monitor and take down any Ads and Accounts that are found to be in violation of any relevant laws, rules, and regulations.

You must also follow the following rules and guidance when posting Ads on the Service:
  • Ads must not contain any contact information or references to any contact information such as email addresses, phone numbers, etc. (The Service provides a messaging functionality that can be used to exchange any contact information between users.)
  • Information in the Ads must be provided and kept accurate, truthful, and up-to-date.
  • Photos in the ads must be real, actual pictures of You or the property, or rooms You are planning to rent out and must be of good quality. Computer modified pictures of You such as pictures that have Instagram, or similar filters applied to them are not recommended as You may be asked to replace them at Our sole discretion. Pictures of property or rooms must not have any type of Instagram, or similar filters applied to them. Computer generated pictures and drawings are not allowed unless they depict a floor plan.
  • Ads for places available to rent must in regards to residential accommodations only.
  • Ads must contain full details of all fees associated with entering into the relevant lodging or tenancy agreement including any agency fees that may apply.
  • Ads must not contain any links to social media profiles, links to external websites, etc.
  • Ads must not contain any logos or branding information.
  • You may not post duplicate Ads for renting out an accommodation or seeking to rent an accommodation.
  • You must obtain proper forms of lawful permission or consent before posting any information in regards to any third party.

We accept no liability and make no claims as to accuracy, reliability, completeness, lawfulness, legality, or currency of any information posted by anyone in their Ads.

Communicating with Other Users

The Service provides a messaging functionality that You can use to communicate with other Users. All contact information, including but not limited to phone numbers and email addresses must be exchanged only via the messaging functionality provided by the Service. You must keep Your communications with other Users respectful, professional, and harmless at all times. We do not routinely monitor the communications that are exchanged between Users, whoever we reserve the right to periodically monitor these communications to make sure their compliance with these Terms. You are solely liable for any harm or damages, to You or anyone else, that may result out of Your communication or interaction with other Users.

Your Suggestions or Ideas

We value and appreciate Your suggestions and ideas directed towards or improving the Service. Any such, similar, or related feedback that You communicate to Us will be considered as non-confidential and non-proprietary to You. You grant Us a worldwide, nonexclusive, irrevocable, sub-licensable, transferable, royalty-free, commission-free license and rights to use and publish any such feedback without any compensation to You.

Copyright Policy

Intellectual Property Infringement

We respect the intellectual property rights of others. It is Our policy to respond to any claim that any User Content or any other content on the Service infringes a copyright or other intellectual property rights of any other party.

If You are a copyright owner, or authorized on behalf of one, and You believe that the copyrighted work has been copied in a way that constitutes a copyright infringement that is taking place on the Service, You must submit Your notice in writing to the attention of our copyright agent via email at and include in Your notice a detailed description of the alleged infringement.

You may be held accountable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) for misrepresenting that any content is infringing Your copyright.

DMCA Notice and DMCA Procedure for Copyright Infringement Claims

You may submit a notification pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) by providing our Copyright Agent with the following information in writing (see 17 U.S.C 512(c)(3) for further detail):

  • An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright's interest.
  • A description of the copyrighted work that You claim has been infringed, including the URL (i.e., web page address) of the location where the copyrighted work exists or a copy of the copyrighted work.
  • Identification of the URL or other specific location on the Service where the material that You claim is infringing is located.
  • A statement by You that You have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  • A statement by You, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in Your notice is accurate and that You are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.
  • Your name, address, telephone number, and email address.

You must contact the copyright agent by both email and the mailing address below. The notice must be mailed with tracking and a signature proof of delivery.

  • By mail: ATTN: DMCA, ROOMMATES LLC 1108 E Main St # 2402 Ste 906, Richmond, VA 23219, United States
  • By email:

Upon receipt of a notification We will take whatever action We deem appropriate to remove the challenged content from the Service.

Our Intellectual Property

The Service and its original content (excluding User Content), features and functionality are and will remain the exclusive property of ROOMMATES LLC and its licensors. The Service is protected by copyright and other laws of both the United States and foreign countries. Our trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product, service, advertisement, or any other material or deed without Our prior written consent.

Links to Other Websites

Our Service may contain links to third-party web sites or services that are not owned or controlled by Us. We strongly advise You to read all policies of any third-party web sites or services that You visit. We have no control over, and assumes no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party web sites or services. You further acknowledge and agree that We shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with Your access of or reliance on any such web sites or services. You acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from Your access of any such websites or services.


We may terminate these Terms immediately by providing You with a notice. Upon termination of these Terms all rights granted to You herein are revoked and You must stop accessing the Service immediately. Your obligations and responsibilities as described herein shall remain in full effect.

We may also terminate or suspend Your Account at any time, for any reason whatsoever, and without any prior notice or liability to You. Upon termination, You must stop accessing the Service immediately. If You wish to close Your Account immediately please contact us. Your obligations and responsibilities as described herein shall remain in full effect even after You stop accessing the Service or Your access to the Service gets suspended or terminated.

Termination of these Terms or suspension or termination of Your Account shall not result in any kind of waiver, termination, forgiveness, or a reason to forfeit, by Us or any other party, any current or future legal claims or proceedings against You.

Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall ROOMMATES LLC its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, suppliers, Service Providers, officers, directors, employees, shareholders, agents of each of them, be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or punitive or consequential damages whatsoever including, but not limited to a) damages for loss of profits, time, data or other information, business interruption, any personal or bodily harm or injury, emotional distress, loss of privacy, or any other damages or harm arising out of or in any way related to Your access or inability to access the Service; or b) any of Your communication or interaction with other Users related to the Service or other User's conduct; or c) any content made available to You via the Service; even if We or any aforementioned party has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if the remedy fails of its essential purpose.

Notwithstanding any damages that You might incur, the entire liability of ROOMMATES LLC under any provision of these Terms and Your exclusive remedy for all of the foregoing shall be limited to the amount actually paid by You for the Service for the past 12 months or 100 USD if You haven't purchased anything through the Service.

Some states or jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, which means that some of the above limitations may not apply. In such case, each party's liability will be limited to the greatest extent permitted by law.

Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude Our liability for violation or non-compliance with the applicable law.

No Warranties

The Service is provided to You on "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis and without warranty against any defects or faults of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, We on own behalf and on behalf of its affiliates and its and their respective licensors and Service Providers, expressly disclaim all warranties, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, with respect to the Service, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement, and warranties that may arise out of course of dealing, course of performance, usage or trade practice. Without limitation to the foregoing, We provide no warranty or undertaking, and makes no representation of any kind that the Service will meet Your requirements, achieve any intended results, be compliant with any law, rule, or regulation, assist You in being compliant with any law, rule, or regulation, be compatible or work with any other software, applications, systems or services, operate without interruption, meet any performance or reliability standards, or be error free or that any errors, inaccuracies, or defects can or will be ever corrected.

Without limiting the foregoing, We do not make any representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied: (i) as to the operation or availability of the Service, any of its features, or the information, content, materials or products included thereon; (ii) that the Service will be uninterrupted, error-free, or even remain operational; (iii) as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, truthfulness, legality, lawfulness, or currency of any information or content provided through the Service; or (iv) that the Service, its servers, the content, or e-mails sent from or on behalf of ROOMMATES LLC or the Service are free of viruses, scripts, trojan horses, worms, malware, spyware, timebombs or any other harmful components. (v) as to quality, reliability, safety, and legality of any goods or services that may be provided, purchased, ordered, or obtained through the Service.

You also acknowledge that we have no obligation to monitor Your or anyone else's use of the Service or to moderate any User Content, but have a right to do so in order to operate the Service.

No advice or information communicated via any means or medium from ROOMMATES LLC or its affiliates will create any warranty not expressly made in these Terms.

Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain types of warranties or limitations on applicable statutory rights of a consumer, so some or all of the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to You. But in such a case the exclusions and limitations set forth in this section shall be applied to the greatest extent enforceable under applicable law.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless ROOMMATES LLC, its officers, directors, employees, and agents against any claims, damages, losses, expenses (including legal and related fees), arising out of or related to Your access of the Service or any violation of these Terms.

Governing Law

The laws of the state of Virginia, United States, shall govern these Terms. Your access of the Service may also be subject to other local, state, national, or international laws.

Disputes Resolution

If You have any concern or dispute in related to Your access of the Service or these Terms, then You agree to first try to resolve the dispute by contacting Us. If for some reason We are unable to resolve or start taking appropriate steps to resolve Your dispute within 30 days of Our receipt of Your dispute in writing, then You may pursue the resolution of the dispute only by a) taking Your case to a small claims court and where Your claim must remain on individual, non-representative, non-consolidated, and non-class action basis; or b) according to the arbitration agreement set forth below.

You and ROOMMATES LLC expressly waive any constitutional and statutory rights to take the case to court for a trial in front of a judge or jury.

Your dispute shall not be consolidated with any other matters or joined with any other cases or parties.


Provided that You were not able to resolve Your dispute or issue by contacting Us first or in a small claims court, You and We agree that any dispute or claim arising out of Your access of the Service or these Terms shall be settled via an arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Consumer Arbitration Rules that can be located on their website at The arbitration, including threshold questions of arbitrability of the claim, will be handled by a single arbitrator. The language of arbitration shall be English and the arbitration shall be final and binding. The arbitration proceedings shall take place in appropriate court of County, Virginia, unless parties agree otherwise. If for any reason

To minimize costs and expedite the arbitration proceeding You and We agree to submit all necessary paperwork and documents in written or electronic form unless an oral hearing is deemed necessary by the arbitrator in which case it shall be conducted via electronic telecommunication means or at a mutually agreed upon location. Each party will have a right to legal counsel at its own expense. If the arbitrator finds that Your claim, cross-claim, or defense is groundless in fact or law, brought in bad faith, is frivolous or has no merit, then We may seek reimbursement of Our legal fees and any arbitration related fees and expenses from You.

The parties shall keep the existence of, the outcome, and any content or submissions related to the arbitration proceedings confidential unless a disclosure is inevitable due to a lawful action or as required by law.

All claims and disputes within the scope of this arbitration agreement must be arbitrated or litigated on individual, non-representative, non-consolidated, and non-class action basis.

Time Limit To File Claims

You agree to file any claims or disputes relating to these Terms or to Your use or access of the Service no later than (1) year from the date of the original cause or incident.

Notice to New Jersey Users

Pursuant to the New Jersey Truth in Consumer Contract Warranty and Notice Act (TCCWNA), some of the sections and/or provisions (in whole or in part) in these Terms may not apply to those persons covered by that law.

Notice To California Users

Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, users of the Service located in California are entitled to the following specific consumer rights notice: If You have a question or complaint in regards to the Service You may contact us by email at or in writing at ROOMMATES LLC 1108 E Main St # 2402 Ste 906, Richmond, VA 23219, United States. The Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs may be contacted in writing at 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N 112, Sacramento, CA 95834, or by telephone at (916) 445-1254 or (800) 952-5210.

United States Legal Compliance

You represent and warrant that (i) You are not located in a country that is subject to the United States government embargo, or that has been designated by the United States government as a "terrorist supporting" country, and (ii) You are not listed on any United States government list of prohibited or restricted parties.

Severability and Waiver


If any provision of these Terms is held to be unenforceable or invalid, such provision will be changed and interpreted to accomplish the objectives of such provision to the greatest extent possible under applicable law and the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.


Except as provided herein, Our failure, or a delay to exercise a right or to require performance of an obligation under these Terms shall not effect Our ability to exercise such right or require such performance at any time thereafter, nor shall a waiver of a breach constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach.

Translation Interpretation

These Terms may have been translated if We have made them available to You on the Service. You agree that the original English text shall prevail in the case of a dispute.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms, You can contact Us using the contact details below.

  • By email:
  • By mail: ROOMMATES LLC 1108 E Main St # 2402 Ste 906, Richmond, VA 23219, United States